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Is It Just Me? Or Is It Nuts Out There? by Whoopi Goldberg

Sometimes, a nonfiction book comes along, and no matter how much you like or dislike the author, you have to say they hit the nail on the head.  Charles Barkley is a polarizing figure, particularly here in Arizona.  He talked about racism in his book, Who's Afraid of a Big Black Man?, a very compelling book.  Whoopi Goldberg is another polarizing person; people either really like her or dislike her.  But, when Whoopi takes on our society and manners, she nails it, in Is It Just Me? Or Is It Nuts Out There?

Goldberg tackles the lack of courtesy and respect in today's society, everything from cell phones to drunk driving and calling people names such as stupid or dummy.  She says, "Somehow so many little pieces of courtesy have gone by the wayside.  People in your face, in your business not caring if they are invading your space, being disrespectful."  She's careful to separate her act as a comedian from daily life.  People who go to see her act should know what to expect.  But, people shouldn't have to expect rudeness and thoughtlessness on a daily basis.

Don't you see a lack of consideration and common courtesy every day?  The local post office has a sign saying they will not wait on people who are on their cell phones.  And, I've seen them call the next person, and tell someone they'll help them when they hang up.   I've heard children swear at their parents in public, and get away with it.  When did this happen?  And, I know other women who are sports fans, as I am, who won't go to football games anymore, because of the drunkenness and rudeness.  It really is nuts out there.  OK, off my soapbox.  That last rant was mine, not Whoopi Goldberg's.  But, I could understand why Goldberg thinks it's nuts out there, with people only caring about themselves.  A please, a thank you, a door held, a smile. Those all go a long way.  Goldberg actually does a good job with this book, not only complaining about a number of issues, such as texting while driving and drunk driving, but she offers solutions as well.  And, it's all done with a sense of humor to soften the serious subject she addresses.  Is It Just Me? Or Is It Nuts Out There?  No, Whoopi.  It's not just you. 

Is It Just Me? Or Is It Nuts Out There? by Whoopi Goldberg.  Hyperion, ©2010. ISBN 9781401323844 (hardcover), 224p.

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