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Jim's Birthday

Jim would have been 62 today. I didn't comment on the anniversary of his death, but, thanks to a couple friends here in Glendale, it's appropriate to comment on his life.

One of those friends, Dixie, participated in the cancer relay this weekend. So, in Jim's memory, I bought a luminaria. But, it was another friend, Susie, who wanted to decorate it. Lacking any artistic skills whatsoever, I turned it over to her.

Susie truly honored Jim's life, with everything she knew about him. Jim loved Ohio State. He hung out at Starbucks, He definitely considered himself an old hippie. And, I loved the two pictures she put on the bag, his grinning face, and, my favorite picture of the two of us, at the Grand Canyon.

She even quoted one of the statements he used to say to her, along with his comments that he and I only got married to read. Then, she quoted my tribute to him after his death.

One friend walking for cancer. One friend honoring Jim's life. Truly a nice way to remember Jim on what would have been his 62nd birthday. Thank you.